Lanier Flight Training > Pilot Accomplishments
Pilot Accomplishments
Lanier Flight Center takes pride in helping pilots attain their goals of aviation. We know that earning a license or certificate is a journey, and our flight trainers are a key component of that journey. Therefore, we strive to build relationships; it’s not just about logging hours, it’s about meeting your needs and making sure you have everything to succeed. We also know that success is only aided by the friendly atmosphere at Lanier Flight Center. With that in mind here’s a look at some of the accomplishments of the pilots now part of the Lanier Flight Center family:
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Congratulations to John Moreau on his first solo this morning!! Way to go!!

Congratulations to Ethan Pomerantz on his first solo yesterday afternoon! Awesome job!! #soloday #lanierflightcenterstudents #lanierflightcenter

Big Congratulations to our very own Kenny Wheeler on passing his Multi-engine add on checkride today!!!! Woohoo!! #multienginepilot #checkridepassed #lanierflightcenter #onehappyguy

Congratulations to Leland Bagwell on passing his Multi Engine add-on checkride today!! Woohoo!!! #multienginepilot #checkridepassed #checkrideday #lanierflightcenter

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